Our Core Activities

To promote sustainable Peace and development through conflict resolution, Leadership development and peace education. 

The Principal Activities 

- Trainings, workshops, summits, seminars and conferences
- Peace Camp/Summit
- Advocacy programs
- Annual Program and Newsletter publications
- Networking 



- 2015 Annual Nigerian Peace Leadership Camp (a 5-day program)
- Training of 95 secondary school students in peer-mediation process as a process of conflict resolution, critical thinking for club organization and resume/CV building
- Completion of 2015 Peace Camp report
- Establishment of 20 Peace Clubs in 20 secondary schools in Imo State of Nigeria 

Other Proposed & Ongoing Activities 

Radio and Television

The Focus of this activity is to discuss topics that are pressing to the society such as the issue of electoral violence, lack of peace in our rural and urban communities and youth violence in the society and how peace education can contribute to restore peace and order. This medium will be used to educate and inspire the masses especially, youths to join the various peace clubs and networks in their community to support the culture of peace and promote a non-violent society.

Training of Coordinators

This is a pre-camp orientation and training of secondary school teachers from select schools on the teaching of Peace education in select subjects, who will in turn assist in training students on peer-mediation and conflict resolution to build a culture of peace in the academic and social environment

Community Service

After learning and acquiring skills for community development during the program, young people will be encouraged to ‘pay it forward’ to their communities since they are not necessarily required to ‘pay it back’ to the implementing organization. This will take the form of embarking on activities that have social value and help solve problems of the communities

Peace Camp

This activity is a one-week peer-mediation, conflict resolution and peace-building event. It involves lectures, role plays, individual assignments, and group exercises, interactions with select guests, field trips and participant presentations. At peace camp, students will be exposed to the concept of violence, its negative impact and embracing peace as an alternative to violence. There will be a win/win game in which there will be no losers; team game where they have to depend on each other to complete the course.

Establishing Peace Clubs
in schools
and network leadership

Within the duration of the project, a select delegation from the program staff and coordinators, will embark on a one-week visit to schools, where peace clubs will be established to kick-off the development process. Administration of effective peace clubs in schools will be main focus after setting the ball rolling.

Training the youth on
entrepreneurial and
leadership development

Young people will be empowered with knowledge and skills to become future leaders under the peace architecture with the aim of inculcating employment skills and basic knowledge of entrepreneurship, experience real work conditions and leadership practices in the public sector, develop team building and critical thinking skills and appreciation for coalition building, and increase self- esteem and confidence in public speaking.


  • Umuobu, Umuezeala Ogwara, Ehime Mbano, Imo State.
  • +234 803 096 2031
  • admin@afripeacenigeria.com

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